Welcome, Alex Wilson!


Alex Wilson

Lutheran North

Art Teacher, Computer Science (Typing) Teacher

We're proud to announce that Alex Wilson has joined the Lutheran North team filling the role of art teacher, computer science (typing) teacher.  Alex graduated from LHN in 2010 and then went to Michigan State University to study Art Education. She has lived in Metro Detroit her whole life, but has spent many summers working and traveling in the Pacific North West (Washington, Idaho and Oregon). For the past 6 years she has also worked at a non-profit art studio in downtown Rochester called Paint Creek Center for the Arts. While there she taught ceramics classes, ran their summer camp program and was the Art Education Manager for a little bit. 

Alex also worked, and still climbs at, a rock climbing gym in Madison Heights called Planet Rock. Rock climbing is one of her favorite activities to do besides art. 

Alex has been married to her husband Nick for 4 years and together they attend Trinity Lutheran in Utica.

Please warmly welcome Alex as a Mustang and and get to know her through our Staff Spotlight 20 Questions below!!

Staff Spotlight: alex wilson


  1. What’s your role at Lutheran North?

    Art Teacher, Computer Science (Typing) Teacher

  2. Where are you from?

    Born and raised in Michigan

  3. When did you know that you wanted to be in the Lutheran high school environment and what led you to pursue that path?

    Senior year of high school I knew I wanted to be an art teacher. And I love the environment of LHN. When I was a student I really enjoyed being here and knowing all of my teachers very well and I knew that when I got into teaching I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

    LHN ALUM BONUS QUESTION - What was your favorite class at Lutheran North and why?

    This may come as a shock- but it was definitely art class, specifically advanced art senior year because I formed really great bonds with my classmates. I also really enjoyed muscle development, foods, AP literature and newspaper

  4. What’s your favorite Bible verse?

    2 Timothy 1:7- For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of power, love and self-discipline.

  5. What are three words to best describe you?

    Creative, Resilient, and Patient

  6. What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

    I worked at a camp in Northern Idaho for a few summers during college. When you work on program team at a camp you have so many roles… I’ve been ‘ribbon dancer #3 on skates’ during Sunday round along, ‘Marvelous Woman’ in the all-camp game on Thursday nights, bathroom cleaner on the weekends and camp cook on Fridays. All in a week’s work!

  7. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

    I can make art out of almost anything.

  8. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

    I would really love to make ice cream just appear instantly.

  9. What’s your favorite food?

    Ice cream… specifically vanilla/chocolate twist soft serve in a waffle cone with rainbow sprinkles.

  10. What’s your least favorite food?

    I have been known to be a very picky eater. I really don’t like eggs, but the list goes on

  11. What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled and why?

    I don’t like to fly. So every fall my husband and I take a road trip out to the Pacific North West. We met in Northern Idaho working at a summer camp together. I love visiting Washington, Idaho and Oregon every year to see our mutual friends, go backpacking and rock climbing (we are avid rock climbers) and to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Those states have some of the best landscapes I have ever seen.

    Last summer we did a 5 day backpacking trip around Mount Rainier and it rained/snowed the entire time, but it was still absolutely breathtaking. We even came within 10 feet of a bear preparing for hibernation.

  12. Where would you like to travel next and why?

    Utah, specifically Indian Creek and Zion, and also Yosemite. I want to visit these places to do some backpacking trips and get on some classic rock climbing routes.

  13. What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

    I have recently in the last 2 years gotten into ice climbing. I’ve only ice climbed frozen waterfalls in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula so far but I love it!

  14. What’s one hobby you’d like to get into?

    I really want to get into floral arranging… I’d also love to start a farm.

  15. What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?

    I don’t watch team sports hardly at all. But I love to watch competitive rock climbing. My favorite rock climbers are Margo Hayes, Alex Honnold and Tommy Caldwell.

  16. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    Very much an early bird. My dream schedule would be waking up at 5 am every day and being asleep by 9 or 10 pm.

  17. Are you a dog person or a cat person (neither or both)?

    Cats! I have two cats- their names are Smaug and Gandalf because I also enjoy Lord of the Rings quite a bit.

  18. What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?

    During quarantine in April I finally did my first century ride (100 miles in a day) on my bike. It was a goal I had worked up to since quarantine had started. It was incredibly tough and the last 3 miles were probably the worst part, but it was the coolest thing I did this spring by far.

  19. What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

    “Never change your plan on an uphill or downhill… only when you are on flat land.” This piece of advice might be hard to decipher, but it was from a friend in Washington who is a runner/cyclist and I have applied this little piece of advice to many life situations.

  20. Is there any advice you’d offer to current and future Lutheran North students?

    Write it down. Journal. It all goes by so fast. I still have my personal journal from high school and reading about my thoughts, worries and triumphs from that time of my life is such a cool thing to be able to do. Love yourself and don’t be too hard on yourself – NO ONE is perfect and our mistakes make us grow – we rarely learn from our successes.

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Renee Finkel