Update from The Superintendent


Dear Families of the Lutheran High School Association:

All of you have been in my prayers continuously as we navigate our way through these unique and challenging circumstances.  I feel compelled to express my thanks to you for your patience and perseverance as we draw closer to the end of one school year and begin planning the next.

As we focus on the details of the end of this school year, we are also very aware of the critical details of starting school for the 2020-21 year.  What will the start of school look like this coming fall?  Our plan is to experience the joy of meeting our new students and re-engaging with our returning students in person as we reopen on Wednesday, August 26th.    As we plan, the LHSA and school administrative teams have been meeting to discuss several different options and the potential restrictions for opening school in August.  These options include in-person learning, remote learning, or a combination of the two and considering any restrictions that may be in place in August.  We are pursuing a plan to maximize student learning and leadership while prioritizing the health and safety of all.  We will be considering implementing practices in the following areas including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Testing: Ensuring the health and safety of students and staff through screening procedures.

  • Sanitation and cleaning equipment and processes: Strengthening ongoing procedures, purchasing new cleaning tools, and instituting daily and scheduled disinfecting regimens.

  • PPE (personal protective equipment): Using masks during classes and in public gathering spaces.

  • Limiting visitors on campus: Limiting access to campus for visitors and parents.

  • Capacity limits in classrooms to allow for social distancing: Utilizing unused classrooms at our campuses that have availability and where space allows, developing strategic classroom seating.

Another priority for our school leaders is to conduct a precise review of our current online learning experience.  We will be enhancing our technology platforms in order to support instruction both on- and off-campus learning in ways that are relevant and appropriate to our curriculum.  We are working toward a plan that will be seamless and quickly adaptable if we need to move from in-person to online instruction.

It is still too early to know what our exact circumstances will be when we start school in the fall.  However, we are actively preparing several scenarios to get school underway on August 26th.  We will continue to update you as plans progress according to developing federal and state orders.

Finally, most importantly, we are committed to sharing the Gospel in any and all circumstances  Our mission, Learning for Life – Leading in Truth, will always be the foundation we have as Christian schools in the Word of God and in His promises.

LHSA - Paul Looker LHSA Superintendent - Photo.jpg

Paul Looker


Paul Looker