Welcome, Veronica Klausmeier
Veronica Klausmeier
Lutheran North
English Teacher & Yearbook Coordinator
We are proud to announce that Veronica Klausmeier has joined the Lutheran North team filling the role of English teacher and yearbook coordinator. She has been blessed with a beautiful family! Her and her husband have three wonderful children - Jake who is a teacher here at Lutheran North, Noah who recently graduated and is working for Michigan State University as a research specialist, and Sara who is currently a Junior at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and is studying Journalism and Public Relations with a minor in Marketing.
Veronica has been a teacher for 29 years, actively in the classroom for 19, and 14 of those have been in the Lutheran Schools. She began teaching back in 1992 at Rochester Adams High School. She was a teacher at Our Shepherd Lutheran in Birmingham for 10 years, and then at Lutheran High Northwest for 4. In the summer of 2020, she moved to Charleston, South Carolina because her husband's company transferred him there.
Veronica spent two years living and working in the Low Country, and then in January they were transferred back to Michigan! She feels so blessed to be back in the LHSA, and to be at LHN!! She feels like she has had the opportunity to come "home!" She looks forward to a wonderful year and she is grateful for the blessing of being able to teach and learn here! God is GREAT!
Please warmly welcome Veronica as a Mustang and get to know her through our Staff Spotlight 20 Questions below!!
Staff Spotlight: veronica klausmeier
What’s your role at Lutheran North?
English Teacher and Yearbook Coordinator
Where are you from?
Clarkston, Michigan
When did you know that you wanted to be in the Lutheran high school environment and what led you to pursue that path?
I was blessed to have attended parochial schools for all of my formative education. After I graduated from college I taught in the public schools around our area, then I took some time off of teaching to be home with my children when they were small. I went back to teaching as a "favor to a friend," in 2007 when my good friend, Janet McLoughlin, principal at Our Shepherd Lutheran in Birmingham asked if I would come and teach middle school ELA for "just a year." That "year" ended up being 10 years, because I was instantly hooked! I loved the atmosphere of a Lutheran school! I knew that this was the environment where God was calling me to serve!
What’s your favorite Bible verse?
Joshua 24:15; "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
What are three words to best describe you?
Loyal, Hard-working and Caring
What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?
I worked midnights at St. Joseph Mercy in Pontiac in the ICU as a Unit Secretary- processing doctor's orders and coordinating patient care.
Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?
I'm not so certain that it's "hidden"... but I'm a really good writer!
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?
I would be able to stop time... also time travel
What’s your favorite food?
Anything Mexican!
What’s your least favorite food?
Breakfast food... YUCK!
What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled and why?
I LOVE the Dominican Republic! It is a "go to" for spring break for our family... I love the peace and beauty of the beaches!
Where would you like to travel next and why?
I'd like to travel to Greece- it's on my bucket list to be able to see the islands and experience the history there.
What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?
I have taught every one of my children... and my youngest, our daughter had NEVER been to a school where I was not a teacher until she went to college!
What’s one hobby you’d like to get into?
Scrapbooking... like really doing it well, with all of the gear!
What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?
College football... I am a SPARTAN through and through!! GO GREEN!!!!
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Most definitely a night owl!
Are you a dog person or a cat person (neither or both)?
I have acquired two cats (I keep saying that I'm only their grama and soon they're going back to live with their REAL parents! :) I think I'm really more of a dog person, but I do just really love all animals!
What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?
Any time that I have been able to spend with my favorite guy... my grandson, Jones!
What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?
My friend and former principal, Janet McLoughlin used to always say- "The days are long, but the years are short..." that is a PERFECT way to sum up what it is to be a teacher!
Is there any advice you’d offer to current and future Lutheran North students?
Time goes by quickly... don't blink!