Welcome, Rachael Korns!


Rachael Korns

Lutheran North

Administrative Assistant - Attendance & Records

We're proud to announce that Rachael Korns has joined the Lutheran North team filling the role of Administrative Assistant, in charge of student attendance and records.  Rachael graduated from Tusky Valley High School in 2002 and then attended Kent State University to study the Sciences of Medical Assisting. She has lived in Chesterfield since 2004, after moving here from Ohio. She enjoys vacationing with her family. She has been an American Heritage Girls Coordinator and leader for the past 7 years and recently took on a regional position as the Detroit Area Coordinator.

Rachael has been married to her husband Trevor for 17 years and they have three children. They attend Immanuel Lutheran Church of Macomb.


Please warmly welcome Rachael as a Mustang and and get to know her through our Staff Spotlight 20 Questions below!!

Staff Spotlight: rachael korns


  1. What’s your role at Lutheran North?

    Administrative Assistant - Attendance & Student Records

  2. Where are you from?

    Originally I am from Bolivar, Ohio. We moved to Michigan in 2003 and have lived in Chesterfield ever since.

  3. When did you know that you wanted to be in the Lutheran high school environment and what led you to pursue that path?

    After having children I became very involved in youth activities through volunteerism. I enjoy working with youth and my background is in administration so it seemed like a perfect fit!

  4. What’s your favorite Bible verse?

    Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

  5. What are three words to best describe you?

    Organized, Creative, Servants Heart

  6. What was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

    I was a Medical Assistant for several years. It was by far my most interesting job. Working at an Urgent Care center you never know what type of patient you would see. Every day was something new.

  7. Do you have a hidden talent? What is it?

    I can sew. I learned to sew from my grandmother for my first 4-H project.

  8. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

    Duplicate myself so I could be in multiple places at once!

  9. What’s your favorite food?


  10. What’s your least favorite food?

    Anything with mayo.

  11. What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled and why?

    Disney! We starting going to Disney when our oldest turned 2. We have been back every year since.

  12. Where would you like to travel next and why?

    Hawaii, it was been a bucket list trip. I love clear waters and warm sand beaches.

  13. What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

    I am from Ohio.

  14. What’s one hobby you’d like to get into?

    Kayaking. I recently tried it for the first time this summer and found it relaxing.

  15. What’s your favorite sport to watch and which team do you root for?

    Football.....Ohio State.

  16. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

    Night owl.

  17. Are you a dog person or a cat person (neither or both)?


  18. What’s one of your favorite memories from the past year?

    This summer was the summer of memories! We went on several mini vacations. My favorite was to Gulf Shore, Alabama. Lazy family days on the beach are the best!

  19. What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?

    When my first born became a freshman another mother told me you only have 1,460 days left, treasurer every moment. So I try to make the most out of those days. Because know those days are fleeting.

  20. Is there any advice you’d offer to current and future Lutheran North students?

    Enjoy this time, you are only young once. Work hard but enjoy the journey.



Renee Finkel