2021 HOSA Gift of Life Challenge


HOSA chapters across Michigan are participating in the fourth annual Gift of Life HOSA Challenge from Nov. 1-19, 2021. The challenge encourages high school students to compete with their peers in a friendly competition to educate the public about organ, tissue, and eye donation. It is an opportunity for students to learn about the importance of organ and tissue donation and educate others in their schools and communities.

Gift of Life Michigan is the state's federally designated organ and tissue recovery program, providing all services necessary for organ and tissue donation to occur in Michigan. We are a non-profit organization working 24 hours a day statewide as a liaison between donors and their families, hospitals, and transplant centers.

We hope the Gift of Life HOSA Challenge will include the entire LHN community to ultimately save and heal lives. To learn more about the challenge, please contact the Gift of Life community relations coordinator, Alison Gillum, at agillum@golm.org or visit http://www.golm.org/hosa. We encourage you to support our LHN students in this important effort.

If you feel moved to be added to the Donor Registry, please use this unique link below to select LHN so our students get credit for this challenge. Thank you for your consideration! Sincerely, Mrs. Mandziara, HOSA Advisor, and the entire LHN HOSA chapter.

Winners and participating schools will be recognized at the HOSA State Leadership Conference.


Nicole Mandziara

Lutheran North Science Teacher & HOSA Advisor

Renee Finkel