Six Mustangs Named Macomb County All-Academic 2020!


Each year, Macomb County's top students are selected by a committee based on their grade point average and SAT scores. Over the years, an abundance of Lutheran North Mustangs have been selected for this outstanding honor. From 2009 to 2019, eighty-nine Lutheran North students were recognized as Macomb County All-Academic!

This year, we’re blessed to have six more Lutheran North Mustangs honored, bringing the total over the past twelve years to ninety-five!



2020 Lutheran North
Macomb County All-Academic Honorees
(pictured left-to-right)

Leyna Gatti
Emily Mathews
Katelyn Rousso
Parker Stager
Anu Thomas
Abigail Valicevic

Through the end of the school year, we’ll be highlighting each of these students on our blog.


2009-2019 Lutheran North Macomb County All-Academic Honorees



Kendall Carlin
Hannah Ebel
Sarah Harris
Nicholas Jasion
Braeden Janetzke
Karli Monahan

Scott Corbat
William Ebel
Megan Guiles
Bryan Ignasiak
Lindsey Karam
Garrett McKenzie
Jordan Prisby
Madison Smith

Deborah Beyerlein
Matthew Brendle
Kimberly Goodrich
Kevin Kapanowski
Sara Moceri
Taylor Murrell
Emily Schomaker
Ashleigh Thomas
Natalie Zauel

Julian Gatti
Laura Murray
Tyler Prisby
Matthew Smith
Anju Thomas
Cecilia Viviano
Maria Viviano

Sarah Frocillo
Amber Hubbard
Tyler Kressbach
Jacob Miller
Kelly Murdock
Caroline Oska
Ryan Peck
Sarah Ruth
Jordan Stomps
Max Stuhldreer




Heather Gin
Paul Joh
William Kruse
Cameron Lansdale
Seth Majeski
Julianna Pfeiffer

Dana Deradoorian
Katie Draeger
Joel Francis
James Lanixzak
Lori Schwark
Lauren Spencer
Jake Stopin
Rebecca Viviano
Allison Voorhess
Zachary Weglarz
Matt Whittlesey

Christopher Cooper
Mitchel Davis
Laura Habrowski
Elijah Majeski
Rachael Ross

Steven Calder
Rachel Draeger
Rebekah Gowman
Paul Hoerner
Alex Kambeitz
Zachary Oman
Taylor Vergin
Coleson Wrege

Amanda August
Joel Bellhorn
Melissa Boelstler
Amanda Brandimore
Alexander Gillanis
Emma Kruse
Nathan Miller
Stephanie Oska
Yoojin Ro
Elizabeth Viviano
Emily Young

Jonathan Collar
Julie Dau
Filomena Gehart
Brian Hicks
Zachary Kandell
Elizabeth Kuchenmeister
Eric Olivero
Ryan Schwark



To God be the glory!

Renee Finkel