Lutheran Grade School Memories


We’re so very grateful to each of the families, schools, and educators that have prepared students to attend Lutheran North: Christian, homeschool, private, and public alike. This week, we’re celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week, and today, with the help of the Class of 2020, we’re highlighting a couple favorite memories from our local Lutheran grade schools. Please take a moment to look for a few familiar faces or fond memories!


Winning the Frankenmuth and Lutheran North soccer tournaments
— Colin Moldenhauer
Field days at the end of the year were really fun
— Joseph Shore
Singing Shrek songs with Colin and Mr. Moldenhauer at DC
— Noah Starkey
Camp Wolverine trip in 7th grade
— Brooklyn Mohr
Doing science practice tests with my friends
— Nicholas Addy

When our 8th grade teacher let us paint a ceiling tile with all our names on it
— Faith Majeski
Beating Immanuel with a buzzer beater
— Sam Caldwell

The circus came to our school in the 6th grade, and I was the person who stood and rolled around on the wooden ball
— Rachel Guiles
Playing with my friends at recess
— Julia Klomp

Going to nationals for basketball in 8th grade and the Washington D.C class trip
— Abby Thoms
My 8th grade teacher Mr. Dembeck was the funniest teacher ever
— Emma Schulz
Winning states in basketball
— David Mueller
6th grade camp Stony Creek day
— Parker Stager
Draining a full court shot during recess
— Chase Marcath

Going to New York in 8th grade and getting to go to fun places
— Corinna Gunter
Playing Ga Ga Ball at recess
— Caleb Hardies

My favorite memory was the DC & NY trip. It was a fun time bonding with everyone on the bus ride and singing all the way there.
— Claire Budzol
Performing in praise band at chapel and being the first student to be in two music classes
— Anna Stadnika
Guest volunteering on the Friday news cast
— Katie Petersdorf
Winning states my 8th grade year for basketball
— Gwen Miller
The Frankenmuth basketball tournament hanging with my friends
— Samuel Saje

Thank you and God’s blessings!

Renee Finkel