Coronavirus Update from The Superintendent
Dear Families of the Lutheran High School Association,
6 Points of Prayer and Thankfulness:
I am uplifted by daily reminders of the assurances of God’s promises to His children that I see from so many of our staff to their students on a daily basis. The message of salvation through the Gospel of Jesus Christ will always be our hope and our anchor through all circumstances!
I am thankful for all our families and our students who have had to rearrange so many things to ensure that their learning will continue even though they are not physically in their classrooms; truly Learning for Life!
To our parents: I am thankful and quite honestly humbled seeing the faith you have in us and the patience you have expressed with us through these challenging circumstances.
I continue to pray for all students, but especially our seniors who may not be able to experience some of those senior year highlights due to these uncertain times. Yet I am thankful that they still have so many exciting things to experience in their future! God will surely use them in powerful ways!
I am thankful for our teachers and administrative teams! I am amazed every day at the effort they have exhibited in their commitment to remote instruction. I have observed teachers employing educational technology in some incredibly creative ways to reach their students! Teachers from all three of our schools have been working together sharing best practices and solving problems. Our administrative teams have continued to meet through video conferencing which has been extremely helpful. The Lord has opened many doors!
Finally, I am thankful for Julie Hoegeman (CFO) and our entire LHSA staff who have helped keep our business operations running which helps support our staff and our school families in so many critical ways.
5 Points of Important School Information:
School is scheduled to resume on-site classes Tuesday, April 14th. Of course, this is subject to change. We will most likely know more about this date in the next week. We are still observing the common spring break, which is scheduled for Monday, April 6th through Monday, April 13th. Online classes will not be in session over this break.
Regardless of whether school buildings are open or not during the mandated school closure time period, our teachers will be providing instruction and students will continue to be enrolled in their classes. Students will continue to be able to earn academic credit through the remote learning platforms that we have been using. This was confirmed by executives at the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools.
Many events have been postponed or canceled. As the discussion continues regarding the timeline for students to return to school buildings, we will also be reviewing events to consider rescheduling, modifying or unfortunately canceling.
Spring sports: The continuation of spring sports will be impacted significantly by decisions made at the Michigan High School Athletic Association. Our Athletic Directors will be informed regarding decisions reached by the MHSAA.
There may be other issues that you have concerns about not addressed in this message. Please contact the LHSA or your school administration via e-mail and we will do our best to help answer questions as we continue our ministry in the Lutheran High Schools.
May God continue to grant you comfort, peace, and health in this time and always!