Coronavirus Update from The Superintendent
As you are aware, the circumstances with the Covid-19 Coronavirus and the impact of this widespread disease are rapidly evolving. As these circumstances continue to develop, our LHSA office, as well as all three of our Lutheran High Schools, will endeavor to keep you informed of the most recent actions involving our students, staff, and families.
Currently, we are communicating with local and county agencies. In general, virus responses are directed by the Michigan State and/or County Health Departments, but we are also receiving information from the State Education Department, the CDC, the Governor, and the Michigan District LCMS.
In all three of our schools, we are following steps that are already our common practice. In the last few weeks, we have placed more urgency on these common steps. We have also been working to put additional preventative measures in place as we prepare for the impact on our schools. These steps have included:
We are adding extra cleaning efforts on surfaces in our school that people touch often such as doorknobs and counters; especially in dining and athletic/physical education areas.
We are providing hand sanitizer (as available) throughout the school.
We are keeping a good supply of soap, disinfectant, wipes and disinfectant materials to clean desk surfaces in classrooms on a regular basis.
Evaluating our usual activities and services to identify those that may facilitate virus spread from person to person. Strategizing how to potentially modify these activities to prevent the spread of disease.
Hand washing practices/protocol especially before lunch gathering in the cafeteria.
We have also been preparing faculty to deliver online options for students who may be absent for extended periods; or if the school needs to close for an extended period. Additional Professional Development days are being planned to further support, if necessary, the delivery of online education through the technology that we are blessed to have.
During the next week, we will be communicating any plans if there is a need to cancel school and the specific details of the duration of any school closure. For now, our best advice is to practice responsible prevention to the spread of this virus, to keep students who are ill home from school, and to consult your primary medical caregiver if any of the symptoms associated with the COVID-19 virus are present. Here is an excellent resource from the CDC:
Parents of Childcare and K-12 Students
Above all, we can move forward in confidence and comfort knowing that we have an all-powerful and all-knowing Heavenly Father!
God’s peace be with you in these challenging, uncertain days!