Lutheran North Wins Gift of Life Challenge
Macomb County HOSA Students Win Competition to Save and Heal Lives
Two Macomb County schools were the big winners as students from southeast Michigan Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) chapters competed in the first-ever Gift of Life HOSA Challenge.
The statewide competition was to register organ and tissue donors. Anchor Bay High School HOSA (New Haven) won for most new names added to the Michigan Organ Donor Registry, and Lutheran High North (Macomb) won for completing the most activities in support of donation.
Through the challenge, Michigan HOSA students helped to add 793 new donors to the Michigan Organ Donor Registry.
In addition to registering new donors, students also encouraged their classmates, teachers and supporters to sign up through various activities and events designed to raise awareness of the importance of organ and tissue donation.
Article originally posted by The Macomb Daily.