Discover Lutheran North!
Future Mustang Day is a great opportunity for 8th graders and parents to learn more about Lutheran North and all the exciting things we have to offer! The experience will begin promptly at 9am in our main gymnasium with 8th graders and their parents gathering in our main gymnasium. Students will be broken out into groups and rotate through sectionals. The morning will conclude roughly around 11:45 with a pizza lunch provided to our 8th grade guests.
Please join us for a morning of learning about why Lutheran North is one of the best high schools in the area for families searching for the combination of a Christian worldview, co-education, strong academics, excellent faculty, and abundant leadership opportunities in daily student life, clubs, and athletics.
NO registration or RSVP needed to attend!!
Interested in connecting with other future Mustang families? Join our Class of 2028 Facebook Group.