Lutheran North

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Homecoming 2022 Recap

Homecoming 2022 was filled with excitement, fun, and teamwork! Friday started out with a pep rally where classes competed against each other and enjoyed a performance from the dance and cheer teams. The students participated in events such as Musical Chairs, Hungry Hungry Hippo, and a log roll where one student “surfed” on top of their classmates who were rolling underneath them!

All of the grades put up an admirable fight to win the Powderpuff games, but the seniors were the overall winners! This success helped lead them to their victory in ownership of the Spirit Jug.

Varsity Soccer competed against L’anse Creuse North and won 2-1!

Varsity Football played against Bishop Foley and ultimately lost, despite impressive determination. At halftime, seniors Ben Hardy and Ellie Knowles were crowned as Homecoming King and Queen.

Below is a photo recap of Homecoming Day!