Lutheran North

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Lutheran North Theatre Company Presents "Seussical"

The Lutheran High North Theatre Company impressed audiences with a fantastic performance of “Seussical” for their fall performance this past weekend!

Seussical is a musical comedy by Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty, based on the many children's stories of Dr. Suess, with most of its plot being based on Horton Hears a Who!, Gertrude McFuzz, and Horton Hatches the Egg, while incorporating many other stories. The musical's name is a portmanteau of "Seuss" and the word "musical". Following its Broadway debut in 2000, the show was widely panned by critics, and closed in 2001 with huge financial losses. It has spawned two US national tours and a West End production, and has become a frequent production for schools and regional theatres.

We wish to extend a big thank-you to Mrs. Cheryl Marie Freeman (Unit Production Manager), Mr. Rob Ellison (Tech Crew), Mr. Jared Brown (Musical Director) and Ms. Emily Reschke (Choreographer). To God Be The Glory!

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Special thanks to Anne Phillips for capturing the highlights of these incredible performances!

So many talented mustangs were a part of this production!

here is a sampling of the students involved in making this an amazing performance:

Ava Kardynal is a senior this year and Seussical is her sixth show with the LHN Theatre company. She is playing the character of Jojo, an imaginative child who thinks up the world of Seuss. Ava’s previous roles include the hatseller/spoon in Beauty and the Beast, ensemble in the Smash Up, Snug in A Midsummer Night’s Texas-Sized Nightmare, Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan, and her favorite, Amy March in Little Women. Ava also participated in the various dancing, acting, and singing master classes offered in the fall of her sophomore year. She has dedicated so much time and energy to theatre over her last four years at North, and she hopes you enjoy the show! Follow her on Instagram @ava_kardynal

Emily Barker is a senior here at LHN. She is beyond excited to be performing Suessical this fall. Emily had a special role in this show's process, she was the official Dance Captain. She choreographed and blocked many of the numbers alongside Ms. Emily Reschke. She is portraying the one-feathered tail bird, Gertrude McFuzz. She has been in other productions such as Little Women as Beth, Peter Pan as Pots and Nana, and the unperformed Smash Up of 2020 singing as Rizzo from Grease, one of the Muses from Hercules, and many more. Emily is anticipating her next, and last, show in Spring 2023. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Noah Felten is a senior at Lutheran High North. This is his 5th show at North. His previous roles at North included Monsieur D’arque in Beauty and the Beast, Theseus in A Midsummer-Night’s Texas-Sized Nightmare, Mr. Laurence in Little Women, and Captain Hook in Peter Pan. Here he plays both Mr. Mayor and General Ghengis Khan Schmitz, therefore collectively possessing  a ludicrous amount of power in Who government. Some of Noah’s other activities include running the Lutheran North Creative Writing Club. He wants to thank his family and the North staff (which are not mutually exclusive) as well as his fellow cast members for all he’s been able to accomplish these past years. Noah hopes to use his acting talents more in the future, but for now he just wishes you enjoy his performance in this production of Suessical.

Nikolette Solea is a senior at Lutheran High North. While bittersweet for sure, she is so excited for what this year holds for her! She is the Sour Kangaroo in this production of Seussical! She is also the student director for this show and is so honored to be able to have creative freedom to help make the show amazing! Freshman year, she was an ensemble member in Beauty and the Beast and in the Spring Smash-Up. Sophomore year, she participated in Theatre workshops and she played Robin Starvling in A Midsummer-Night's Texas-Size Nightmare. Junior year, Nikolette played Meg March in Little Women. It was an unforgettable experience to form an on and off-stage sisterhood and nothing will ever compare to that feeling. In the spring, Nikolette was Wendy Darling in Peter Pan. Looking ahead, Nikolette isn't entirely sure exactly what college she will be attending, but she does know that she would like to start traveling down a pre-med career path. She would love to be able to help people no matter what career path she takes, but her dream is to work in the medical field. However, she will always carry the arts with her wherever she goes. She is looking forward to making more progress in her art, singing, and other musical skills! She is so grateful for her friends and family for being so supportive, especially her other senior castmates! She would also like to thank everyone for attending the show and hopes that everyone has an amazing time! The entire cast has worked so hard so sit back, relax, and enjoy! :) Also, feel free to follow her instagram @nikolettesolea !

Joshua DuBach is in 11th grade. He is playing the role of Cat in the Hat, and he has worked as a Student Director of this show. In former Lutheran North shows Josh has played Lysander in A Midsummer-night's Texas sized nightmare, Professor Fritz Bhaer in Little Women, in which he also worked as the prop master and assistant to the director, and John Darling in Peter Pan, in which he worked as the student director. As your narrator for the show he invites you to sit back and enjoy the show.

Daniel Walleman is a junior on his fourth role with the LHN theater department. He is playing the lumbering but gentle Horton the Elephant, and is very excited to perform in such a well put together production surrounded by such amazing talent. And yes it is true, Daniel Walleman is indeed an Elephant.

Makayla Bachler is a junior at Lutheran High North. She plays the role of Bird Girl 3 in Suessical the Musical. Makayla also has the position of head costumer. During her time in theater her previous roles have been Susie Lynn Higgenbothm in A Mid-Summer Texas Sized nightmare, Braxton in Little Women, and Tinkerbell in Peter Pan.  She is very proud to be apart of the LHN theater department and hopes for many more memories.

Shannon Izzard is a junior at LHN this year. Seussical is Shannon’s fourth show at LHN Theater Company. She is honored to be playing the role of Bird Girl #1 (or Bad Girl) in this show. Other favorite roles include Nibs in Peter Pan, Clarissa in Little Women, and Harold in A Midsummer Night’s Texas-Size Nightmare. Shannon also participated in the fall theater workshops in 2020.

Kaitlyn Dominick is a Junior this year at LHN. This will be her third performance at Lutheran North. She is playing a Wickersham Brother. Last year she was in the ensemble in Little Women and the year before she played a Cowgirl in A Midsummer Night's Texas-Sized Nightmare. She hopes to be in future productions at Lutheran North. Kaitlyn hopes you enjoy the show!

Mackenzie Schepmann is a Junior playing the roles of Mayzie La Bird and Ensemble. She is happy to say that this will be her fifth production, as previously she was a K-8 kid in Beauty and the Beast, and took on the roles of Philostrate and Cowgirl #3 in her freshman year’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Texas Sized Nightmare. In addition, she played Mrs. Kirk and Rodrigo 2 in last year’s production of Little Women, and Peter Pan’s Shadow in Peter Pan. Most importantly, she hopes you enjoy the show! 

Chloe Pacyga is a sophomore at Lutheran High North. She is so excited to play as Thing 2 (among many other ensemble roles) in the play! This is her 5th play at LHN, and 3rd as a student. She has been in Peter Pan, Little Women, Wizard of Oz and Beauty and the Beast. She hopes that you enjoy the production and have an amazing  time! :)

Olivia Kirk is in 10th grade and loves theatre. She was in the play Peter Pan in 9th grade; and would love to be in many more theatre productions throughout High School. In this play, Seussical the Musical, she plays many parts in the ensemble. 

Audrey Bann is a Sophomore at LHN. Seussical is her 5th play at Lutheran North. You may have seen her in Peter Pan, Little Women, Wizard of Oz, and Beauty and the Beast. In this play, you can see her playing Thing 1, the Grinch, and many fun background characters! She hopes you enjoy the show! 

Sienna Kardynal is a freshman at North this year. She is playing the role of Mrs. Mayor. This is her first time performing in a real musical. She put lots of work into this show. She hopes you enjoy the show!

Freshman Samantha Brent is making her debut as a bird girl and cindy loo who. This is her first year ever doing theatre, although she has participated in small shows for her grade school (Peace Shelby) when she was little.

Brooklyn Koehn, who is a member of the ensemble group, is a freshman participating in her 4th school-produced drama production. She participated in the Wizard of Oz at Lutheran North in 2017 as a child in the ensemble group, Immanuel Macomb’s Kids Under Construction musical in 2018, and starred in Immanuel Macomb’s Doc, Doc, Goose! as the lead character in 2021. She is honored to be a part of Lutheran North’s 2022 fall production.

Caleb Hofmeister is a junior at LHN and will be playing percussion for Seussical. This will be his second year doing theater. He has been in two shows prior to Seussical: Little Women and Peter Pan. He played the french horn in Little Women and was on crew for Peter Pan. He is thankful for everyone coming to see and support the LHN Theater Department.

Britney Gorvokaj is in her senior year of high school and is Co-Head Painter and Stage Manager, in crew. She has helped paint the previous Plays— Beauty and the Beast & Peter Pan. She has a wonderful time painting and is grateful to all the other painters and constructionist on crew who have helped to make an amazing set. She can’t wait for the Spring play!

Lance Cody is a senior at Lutheran North. He has been in stage crew since freshman year. He is the construction manager and the sound manager, and has been since sophomore year. He enjoys the building aspect of crew and seeing all the work that crew has done come together into a show. Throughout all the shows, his favorite would have to be Beauty and the Beast due to the amount of building required to make it happen.

Lochlain Macfarlane is a senior. He has been part of the Lutheran North Theater department for all four years. He loves spending time with friends while building all sorts of different sets and working on the production of shows. He has been the Head of Lights for many of the years at North and has loved working in that area. Lochlain also enjoys getting to know the directors of the show like Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Brown, and Mr.Ellison.

Hi my name is Evan Felosak. I’m the Head of lights and a construction member of the Lutheran High School North theater department. I’ve been behind the scene in shows we’ve done such as, “Beauty and the Beast”, “little women”, “Peter Pan” and many more. We have a ton of fun in theater and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who needs something to do during the week and wants to learn a practical life skill while doing it.

Declan Happell is a Senior at Lutheran High North. This is his sixth show he's done so far on the crew, and he's hoping to lend help the next show in the spring. In this show, he's built set pieces, painted, and recorded the show on the camera for those who are watching at home.

Andrew Lansdale is a senior that has done theater for 3 years now. For this play he is operating the spotlight and has helped with other aspects. His favorite part of theater is hanging out with friends

Layla Rausch is a sophomore. She is a builder on crew. She likes crew alot and hopes to continue it in future years. She has done two shows before. That being Little Women and Peter Pan.

Elizabeth Phillips is a freshman and has enjoyed helping to paint the set and getting to know the other members of Crew.  She is also backstage moving sets with crew too. 

Caleb Corsi is a 10th grader who joined the theatre crew for the first time this year. Caleb enjoyed helping out backstage and hopes that you enjoy the show.

Aaron Walleman is a freshman, he joined theater because he wanted something to do after school. He also joined because he wanted to learn new skills like how to use a table saw and more! He suggests that you join too because it’s fun.

Hello this is Logan. Logan wanted to join into theater so he can be helping out the cast. Logan also wanted to join to learn new skills to build or create for the stage. Logan’s favorite thing to do is hang out with friends or do other activities.

Mercy Prouty is a freshman on the crew. This is her first show ever. She painted the sets.

Bella Malesky is in her first year at LHN, and enjoyed painting the sets. She has been in other productions like Wizard of Oz, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Beauty and the Beast.