Lutheran North

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Department Awards

Lutheran North is proud to recognize outstanding students for their leadership and Commitment in and outside of the classroom. 

These students are receiving department awards that have been selected by teachers and leaders in their specific area. 

To God be the Glory!


Bethany Yacoub is the recipient of this year’s Art Department Award which goes to the senior who has distinguished themselves artistically during their four years at Lutheran North.  Bethany has developed into a very talented artist in multiple mediums.   Bethany plans on going to the Creative Center of Studies in Detroit, for either entertainment art/animation or illustration next year.  Congratulations Bethany and God’s continued blessings in all of your future endeavors!


This year’s recipient of the Business award is Troy Tiseo. Throughout Troy's Lutheran North career, he has taken, and received very good grades in the following classes: General Business, Retailing, and Marketing. In the business classes he has been a great example of a Christian young man who has led by a positive example to his teacher and his classmates. 


This year’s recipient of the German award has been out-of-this-world impressive since day one. His mind is like a steel trap for German, and his ability to make connections across concepts is incredible, as is his creativity. One of the hallmarks of language use is the ability to understand and use humor, and this young man has it! Besides the academic skills, he is such a respectful and kind person. It has been such a blessing to have Alec Vandermeer in class!

Ich gratuliere Ihnen, Alec! Viel Glück und ich wünsche Ihnen alles Gute für die Zukunft!


Anu Thomas is a student who has excelled at all four modes of communication (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) throughout her four years of Spanish.  She is a serious student who also exudes joy even, and perhaps especially, when it is difficult.  She accepts the challenge and dives in to solve the grammatical puzzle to reveal the beauty of a piece of communication that she can take pride in understanding and giving.  This was a fantastic year with a fantastic group of students and Anu helped “top it off” by placing the sombrero atop our class Christmas tree.  So, to top off your year, Anu, ¡Felicidades y muchas bediciones en todas las aventuras de tu futuro (Congratulations and many blessings on all your future adventures)!


Brooklyn Mohr is this year's recipient of the Excellence in Literature and Composition award given by Lutheran North's English department. Brooklyn's intellect, maturity, and desire to learn more about the literary world were always evident as she participated in class discussions and as she articulated her intellect through her creative, powerful writing ability. It is an honor to recognize Brooklyn's God-given ability. To God be the glory. 


Kelsey is such a special student. Her growth from freshman year til now has been wonderful to watch.  Her inner strength and confidence is impressive.  She knows to enjoy and share every blessing and gift God gives her. She is gifted and talented and just a pro as a vocalist. In this last show- THE BEST SHOW THAT NEVER HAPPENED- you would have seen Kelsey in so many roles. Different characters, diverse costumes and amazing range. Trust me she would have stolen the  show.  We try to encourage her to make a joyful noise. We are confident she will spread her wings and JUST FLY. Kelsey might be small in stature but she makes up for her size with her GIANT PERSONALITY.

Raymond, what can we say? everybody LOVES Raymond. Who knew this soft spoken, humble kid would go out and buy tap shoes so he could learn to tap, and make his senior show his best showcase ever. We are so proud of Raymond - not only for being such a well rounded kid, but for the ability to manage his school work, his rehearsal schedule, and his scouting accomplishments. Raymond will certainly be a star wherever is goes. Thank you for sharing yourself with our theatre department. We are so proud of you and what you have accomplished.


Anna has showed remarkable growth through her time on theatre crew; she has worked her way up from being a timid freshman to finally being Stage Manager!  Anna has a strong personality that has helped to keep things flowing smoothly behind the scenes and the crew would not have been the same without her!

Colten has been an amazing stage manager for the past 4 years, and in that time he has shown amazing growth.  Colten has shown a willingness to take on any challenge presented to him and a drive towards creating the best sets possible.  He has a strong sense of leadership and is wonderfully passionate about the work that he does.


It is with great pleasure to award to Uyen Nguyen the 2020 Mathematics Departmental Award for excellence.  ​Uyen has demonstrated substantial ability in mathematics.  We were blessed to have such talent here at Lutheran North.  ​It is our hope that she continues is the field of mathematics.​ Lutheran North is proud of Uyen and I am sure her parents and country are equally as proud.

music - CHOIR

Choir this year has been a story of growth and learning. The students went from an ensemble that was (mostly) musically illiterate to a group of young music scholars who just learned how to compose their own songs. They've all come a long way as ensembles, musicians, and people. Nobody best exemplifies this growth than Matt Bann, who came into choir unable to read music but hungry to learn. He was often lost and asked a lot of questions, but he ended up with a deep understanding and appreciation for the art that he loves so much. Not only that, but his expertise made him a role-model for his peers in the ensemble.


This decision was based on who brought their to the ensemble and boosted the quality of the ensemble past where it should be. Mark Veatch makes up about half of my low section - the part of the ensemble that supports the rest of the instruments. Every practice in band, we didn’t have to worry about the lows because they had a phenomenal leader who always knew his part. Mark's absence will be deeply felt, but excited to see where his music career goes from here!


This year's Science Department Award goes to Emily Mathews.  Emily has a great ability in science her four years here at Lutheran North, taking ​our advanced classes and doing exceedingly well.  Emily's abilities have shined in the classroom as well as the laboratory.​ It is with great enthusiasm that we award Emily the Science Departmental Award.​


The Social Studies Department Award goes to a student who has enrolled in numerous Social Studies courses and actively pursued opportunities to practice civic involvement at Lutheran North and in the community. Emily’s pursuit of the field of Social Studies was demonstrated in her completion of all the required and elected courses. She is a self-motivated student who demonstrates focus and poise throughout her learning, research and development processes. As a member of the Law class, Emily was always involved in class discussions and you could tell her thoughts and questions were well thought out. She was really thinking and processing what we were doing in class.  She was able to debate a point without becoming defensive or argumentative, she really laid out her opinions well. Emily utilized these skills as a member of Lutheran North’s Mock Trial Team. During her three years on the team, Emily performed both as a witness and a prosecuting attorney. She demonstrated an advanced level of poise and competency with the material. We are highly confident that Emily Coric will continue to be an outstanding and active leader in her future communities.


The Luther Seal Award is awarded to a student whose time at Lutheran North has been rooted in Christ and has manifested their faith in a way which represents the redeemed life. There are always a plethora of suitable award winners, but one must be selected. This year's Luther Seal Award goes to the unique Child of God, full of potential, washed in the blood of Christ, Abigail Valicevic. To God be the Glory.