Lutheran North

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Coronavirus Update from The Superintendent

Last night, the Governor announced that all K-12 schools would be required to close starting next Monday, March 16th for the next three weeks due to cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan. We anticipated the virus would appear here in Michigan before long, we know that the news is concerning to all of us. Our focus has been prevention and practicing common-sense precautions while school was in session. We were also very concerned and committed to continuing to offer the best possible Christian education to all our students.

To that end, we have been discussing and planning for this situation for the last few weeks. Our preparation for online delivery of education will continue for the next several days as we meet as a staff. We are also blessed to be part of a wonderful Association of schools. We will use the benefit of the unity of our three high schools, Lutheran North, Lutheran Northwest, and Lutheran Westland and the combined staff at our schools to share best practices. This is something we have been emphasizing in our most recent Professional Development days. 

In summary, our faculty will be using Monday and Tuesday to meet and network with online learning strategies. Our intent is to be ready to deliver online classes by Wednesday. The first point of information that instructors will be conveying to their students is the method of communication that will be utilized. Hopefully, this will ease some of the anxiety of any questions that we may not be able to answer immediately. We can continue to communicate that we are making it our goal to resolve issues as we can and as they arise. Below is a list of what we are currently planning; much of this information will come directly from your Lutheran High School:

  • By next Wednesday, instructors will be contacting students with their method of online learning and process for completing class assignments.

  • Instructors will be delivering class content and students will be expected to participate in these online classes.

  • We will notify you of a scheduled time frame and appropriate method of communication for students to ask an instructor questions regarding class content.

  • We will also communicate times IF and WHEN buildings will be open if parents need to collect school materials that have been left and are essential.

  • As the CDC and local agencies share new information, we will let our families know if there is any impact on our schools and what that would be.

  • During the school closure, there will be no co-curricular contests or practices/rehearsals. This includes any scheduled school events during this time period.  The local schools will attempt to postpone and reschedule events as the schedule allows after spring break.

  • Our current plan is to NOT change our scheduled spring break which will mean our schools will be closed until Tuesday, April 14th. This date of return to school is also subject to change depending on how this situation develops.

We will continue to keep you updated as we have information. In the meantime, our mission, “Learning for Life – Leading in Truth” could not possibly be more relevant than it is today….and tomorrow and for the future; which reminds us of how God cares for His children: Today, tomorrow, and forever!

Paul Looker