Lutheran North

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Senior Spotlight: Braeden Janetzke

A 4.0 student at Lutheran North, Braeden earned a 1340 on the SAT. Future plans include attending University of Kentucky to major in engineering. Braden started a tennis club at school, basketball at church, helped at Vacation Bible School at church and is a member of National Honor Society. When asked who has been most influential on his academic career, he said, “My eighth grade teacher, Jonathan Bolt, taught me how to strive to produce my best work in all activities.”


Jim Janetzke & Kristen Janetzke

Grade School:

Living Word

College Plans:

University of Kentucky

What made your Lutheran North experience special?

All the different people I have been able to become friends with.

Congratulations on being named Macomb County All-Academic, Braeden!

To God Be the Glory!